Life on the road no picnic for Hammerfall

Hammerfall frontman Joacim Cans admits life on the road can be incredibly boring – but says the thrill of taking to the stage makes up for it.

As the band prepare to release their ninth album ®Evolution on August 29, Cans says he isn’t looking forward to the downtime between shows.

He tells Arte Concert: “Being on tour is so fucking boring because you just sit around and wait the whole day. You have crew who are doing soundcheck and set up your gear – they do everything for you.

“But the second the intro starts, it’s different. It’s like a legal drug. Of course you get bored after a while, but imagine having a regular day job.”

In the interview, Cans is joined by guitarist Oscar Dronjak who recalls the band’s collaboration with the Swedish women’s curling team on the video for Hearts On Fire.

Stef wrote close to 5,000 stories during his time as assistant online news editor and later as online news editor between 2014-2016. An accomplished reporter and journalist, Stef has written extensively for a number of UK newspapers and also played bass with UK rock favourites Logan. His favourite bands are Pixies and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. Stef left the world of rock'n'roll news behind when he moved to his beloved Canada in 2016, but he started on his next 5000 stories in 2022.